Friday, February 6, 2015


Watching the videos and going through the readings in the first week of this course (Teaching in the Digital Age) has prompted many thoughts about ways I am succeeding using technology in my classroom, but I have also gained ideas for expansion. Reading the Technology Integration Matrix developed by the University of South Florida gave me a general idea of where I usually fall in the characteristics and levels of integration. Although the projects I develop for my students range from the adoption to the infusion levels of technology integration, I do not do enough of them. For now, with the limited amount of devices I have in the classroom I would like to include at least one project per week or an ongoing project that has students actively collaborating and constructing. As I get more devices, we should be able to manage more projects. Last year I taught a 5/6 multilevel class, and I was much more familiar with the content I was teaching which made it easier to come up with projects that covered a broader scope of material. For instance, I spent about 6 weeks on a huge integrated tsunami preparedness unit. Some aspects of the unit were supported by different technologies and other parts were centered on technology. The culminating project was a public service announcement that groups created using iMovie. I built this part of the unit using resources I found at Rock Your World.  That leads me to my second goal; so far my projects this year have centered on math as that is my comfort zone. I would like to expand to other subject areas and focus on cross-curricular projects that will facilitate students to use technology to demonstrate their understanding of content. Third, I would like to become better at tracking students’ progress as related to the specific standards addressed by the goals of the project. I can track each student’s progress throughout the project and use the data to facilitate dynamic and purposeful grouping.To help me reach these goals I will more actively seek out the knowledge of other teachers who use technology in the way that I aspire to.


  1. I am here for you friend! I will help you reach your goal however I can... I will delight in finally having the chance to work with you!

  2. These are excellent goals. I admire the way you have reached out to other teachers in the same grade level at your site to share your technology infused lessons. You are helping to close the technology achievement gap at your school! I am sure you will find many great ideas during this course and from your colleagues who are in this course with you.
